Summit Connect Pop Up events are available to Summit Series pass holders only. Passes will continue to be available as the series progresses. Visit the registration page for more information on how to purchase. Pass holders will receive an email with access information for pop events.
Next Generation Partnerships: State-wide, Regional, and Enterprise Level Implementation
Friday, Oct. 2 | 12 p.m. ET
This dynamic Pop-Up will focus on the evolution of partnership authorities to meet DoD’s most pressing readiness and infrastructure needs on a broader scale. The SIA Solutions team will discuss approaches to implementation of transactional authorities, expanded to include larger user groups, and the types of support provided. We will highlight recent examples that have taken partnership authorities, including Intergovernmental Support Agreements, to the next level.
- Harry Kleiser, President, SIA Solutions
- Grant Heslin, Vice President, SIA Solutions
- Hillary Bassett, Vice President, SIA Solutions
- Claire Reynolds, Project Manager, SIA Solutions
- Benjamin Eady, Project Analyst, SIA Solutions
OEA Town Hall (OEA)
Tuesday, Oct. 6 | 3 p.m. ET

Interactive directly with OEA leadership as they discuss a wide range of key issues including their new programs, possible new federal legislation impacting OEA, and opportunities for communities and installations in 2021.
HVAC Resilience in Military Housing
Best Practices in Preventative Maintenance, Capital Planning, and Remote Monitoring
Wednesday, Oct. 7 | 3 p.m. ET
Military housing continues to be a key issue for DOD and military families. This session will explore the current challenges facing military housing, how DOD and Congress have responded, what’s being done on the ground today and opportunities for the future.
How States and Communities Can Be More ‘Military Friendly’
Friday, Oct. 9 | 3 p.m. ET
Over the past few years, states and communities have placed a greater emphasis on improving the quality of life for veterans, service members and military families. The opportunities span across the realm of taxation, education, advocacy and assistance, monetary benefits, and employment. When looked at in total, these programs help determine how ‘military friendly’ a state or community is towards its constituents. Many states claim to be the most military friendly, but often the evidence is lacking. Important in the discussion is the implications of the Services tying some of these ‘military friendly’ factors to basing decisions for future missions. This panel will explore perspectives from the national and state levels and offer some analytical solutions to help states and communities close the gap between where they are and where they want to be with respect to military friendliness.
Charlie Perham, Vice President, Director of Government Consulting Services, Matrix Design Group
- Rep. Tina Orwall (Washington State), NCSL Military and Vets Co-Chair
- Secretary Carlos Hopkins, Commonwealth of Virginia Secretary of Veterans and Defense Affairs
- Beth Medina, COL (R), VP, Defense and Military Programs at Enterprise Florida, Inc.
- Zakary Payne, PE, Senior Associate, Matrix Design Group
DOD Military Installation Sustainability Program: What is it and How Can Communities Participate?
Date and time coming soon!
OEA recently rolled out their new Military Installation Sustainability program. This initiative is designed to provide technical and financial assistance to states and local governments to analyze and implement actions necessary to foster, protect, and enhance military installation sustainability. This program encompasses the previous Compatible Use/Joint Land Use Study program as well as the recently authorized Installation Resiliency Authority. This session will explore how the program is intended to be used, how communities can apply for inclusion and what outcomes can be expected.
Defense Manufacturing Community Support Program
Date and time coming soon!
OEA recently awarded the first ever DMCSP grants, selecting projects from a pool of nearly 50 applications. This interactive discussion will dive into OEA’s application and selection process, highlight application best practices and discuss the opportunities and challenges for the program as it moves into its second year.
Growing and Protecting your Defense Economy – Tools and Resources Available for Defense Communities (REMI)
Date and time coming soon!
This interactive discussion will dive into the tools and resources available to communities and states as they pursue defense sector economic growth and retention strategies.
Back to School – How Communities and Installations are Managing the Fall School Semester (MISA – MCEC)
Date and time coming soon!
As military connected students return to the classroom, many school systems are struggling to implement new procedures to ensure teachers and children are protected from the COVID-19 pandemic. With schools all across the country moving in different directions DOD is forced to identify policies that meet both DOD and local COVID-19 policies. This interactive discussion will explore how communities and installations are working together to ensure children continue to receive quality education but also remain safe and healthy.
Army Town Hall
Date and time coming soon!
Engage with top Army Installation Leadership as they discuss pressing issues, opportunities for community partnerships and their key priorities and policies for the coming year. This is your chance to speak directly to the decision makers.
Air Force Town Hall
Date and time coming soon!
Engage with top Air Force Installation Leadership as they discuss pressing issues, opportunities for community partnerships and their key priorities and policies for the coming year. This is your chance to speak directly to the decision makers.
Navy/Marine Corps Town Hall
Date and time coming soon!
Engage with top Navy & Marine Corps Installation Leadership as they discuss pressing issues, opportunities for community partnerships and their key priorities and policies for the coming year. This is your chance to speak directly to the decision makers.
Past Events
Installation & Community Resilience: A Resource Guide for Community Leaders
Friday, Sept. 25 | 3 p.m. ET
The success of defense communities and military installations are interdependent—together they must plan, design, and finance to successfully shape a resilient future. These significant endeavors are best done through a partnership. ADC and Stantec have initiated a research partnership to develop a Special Report and webinar series to introduce planning strategies, best practices, and resources for advancing defense community resilience, installation mission assurance, and mission-essential functions.
During this session, Stantec will introduce a framework for resilience planning and provide insights on how to best navigate the process of identifying, analyzing, prioritizing, and implementing actions necessary to advance joint defense community and installation resilience.
Topics to be discussed by our panel of national resiliency experts include:
- What is resilience planning and why is it important?
- Who needs to be at the table when designing your community’s resilience strategy?
- The importance of completing vulnerability and risk assessments.
- How to prioritize resilience actions and projects that get results.
- Strategies for implementing and funding community resilience.
- Camille Crain, Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) Section Chief, FEMA
- Robert (Bob) Sokolove, Partner, Curtin & Heefner LLP
- Katharine Burgess, AICP, Vice President of Urban Resilience, Urban Land Institute (ULI).
- John Malueg, Global Program Manager for Resilience Planning and Design, Stantec
Defense Community Infrastructure Program: What’s Next?
Tuesday, Sept. 29 | 3 p.m. ET
OEA recently awarded the first ever DCIP grants, selecting 16 projects from a pool of nearly 100 applications. This interactive discussion will dive into OEA’s application and selection process, highlight application best practices and discuss the opportunities and challenges for the program as it moves into its second year.