Employment Resources Discussion
Baltimore Veterans Collaborative
Our March Collaborative focused on organizations that help veterans access employment and training resources to advance meaningful careers in the community. This will be a 2 part series taking place in March and April, and this month we hosted speakers from local and national entities including: The Baltimore Mayor’s Office of Employment Development (MOED), VetJobs/CASY, NPower, and VA’s VR&E program.
Check out the recording for more a review of some excellent employment resources and information:
Our next meeting will be Wednesday, April 27 from 9 – 10 am which will feature part 2 of our employment conversation.
Please register in advance to save the date on your calendar: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEpcuysqTguHNyiHG2ldPzKn9ojuEfD-AOH
Be sure to invite a partner or colleague to join the call!