Applications Being Accepted for The Platoon 22 Horse Experience

platoon 22

About the Retreat: 

The Platoon 22 Horse Experience is designed to provide our Warriors the opportunity to become one with nature, network with other Warriors experiencing similar issues, PTS/TBI and most importantly, to connect with their own thoughts and emotions. This program will include a variety of structured and unstructured activities. Our goal is to provide emotional tools and skills necessary to help reduce the symptoms of PTS and learn to relieve stress on a daily basis. The weekend will combine horse based experiential strategies with other interactive and meditative activities such as fishing, yoga, massages, art therapy, and hiking. It is proven that being around horses can help those suffering from Post Traumatic Stress. These animals are sensitive, intelligent, and humbling. They can relate to humans and allow them to open up on a level that cannot always be reached during talk-based therapy. This is a very effective alternative that changes lives! To maximize the value of this experience, each Horse Experience weekend will include a small group of six warriors. This program is offered to each warrior at no cost. Our very generous donors make this experience possible for you to come and allow the healing through horses!  To register, please email the following forms to Elizabeth Tate at and if you have any questions please contact Elizabeth directly at 301-639-5052.