Coping with Anticipatory Grief
JULY 28, 2020, 12:00 PM-1:00 PM EASTERN
When a loved one is facing a life-threatening illness or injury, grief is a natural reaction not only to the anticipation of death, but also to all the losses associated within the course of an illness or injury. Anticipatory grief can also be present when a loved one is living with other forms of illness such as addiction, traumatic brain injury, or dementia. The grief is not unlike the traumatic stress that can affect those whose loved ones are in danger due to combat. Anticipatory grief makes us keenly aware of “what was” when the threat of death seems imminent.
Presented by the TAPS Institute for Hope and Healing®, this live webinar with Dr. Ken Doka discusses strategies to support yourself or someone else who is experiencing anticipatory grief.

This webinar is free and open to the public. Continuing education credit is not available for this program.