Hour of In-Powerment

About this event
Join UpliftInPowerment and Keynote Speaker, Topaz Navarro , a Veterans Peer Support Group Facilitator and the Owner of Escape Velocity Academy for an hour of mental wellness, a low-impact workout, and a thought-provoking discussion about the importance of good health, fitness, and nutrition to improve your overall lifestyle.
Escape Velocity is fueled with-in – Intrinsic Motivation, Intelligence, Inspiration, Investment, Interpersonal Relationships.
“Growth is a direction not a destination and the path to authentic happiness is all about trajectory. Once you establish an upward trajectory, all it takes is patience and the Escape Velocity required to maintain that trajectory is fueled with-in.” – Topaz Navarro
More on the Speaker: Topaz Navarro is a US Army veteran, mental health advocate, mental fitness coach, and father. His military career spans twenty-five years, twenty years in the Special Operations community with several operational deployments to the Middle East and Africa.
Topaz currently serves on the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Howard County Board of Directors and as a facilitator for the NAMI Connections Veterans Support Group, a free peer-to-peer support group for veterans living with mental illness.
He is the founder and Executive Director of Work Play Obsession, All In Foundation, a mental health nonprofit organization that leverages recreational activities to address and heal the wounds of trauma. The nonprofit serves as both a peer support group and a post-service community for its members to bond over their shared experiences. Home – Work Play Obsession
Finally, Topaz is the owner of Escape Velocity Academy a for-profit coaching business that works specifically with minority male military veterans. Together they explore limiting beliefs, personal obstacles, and the fear of practicality associated with military separation.
In his spare time, Topaz focuses on active recovery protocols to remain physically and mentally fit. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, hiking, running, meditation, and yoga are all fundamental elements of his mental wellness regime. He prides himself in participating in challenging events that help raise funds and awareness for mental health programs and organizations. Topaz Navarro | LinkedIn
Register Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hour-of-in-powerment-tickets-240461485777
We cannot wait to welcome the new year with you!
Warm Regards,
Uplift In-Powerment Team