Join American Gold Star Mothers, Inc
On Saturday, September 25, 2021, Access Housing, Inc. will join with the American Gold Star Mothers, Inc., (AGSM) for a 2.2 mile Military Suicide Prevention Awareness Walk.
Family, AGSM Supporters, Veterans, Veterans Affinity Groups, Active Duty Service Members, Federal Employees, Community-Based/Non-Profit Organizations, and Families. Everyone is Welcome to join the Walk!
The American Gold Star Mothers, Inc., will host a 2.2 – mile Military Suicide Prevention Awareness Walk on Saturday, September 25, 2021 @ 9:30a.m
2021 AGSM Military Suicide Prevention Awareness Walk
To Register Please Go to:
**********Registration to walk on Saturday 25 September In-Person OR Virtually on Facebook LIVE
*********** The opportunity to leave a Dedication that will be read LIVE from a Washington, DC War Memorial
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Walter Elmore at: