Military Culture & Moral Injury in Veterans – Webinar


Tuesday, November 5
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm EST

This is the second Regional Community of Practice training event for our network users in the Mid-Atlantic Region, from our AmericaServes providers in Greater Pittsburgh, the National Capital Region, and larger South Hampton Roads communities.

Our next training will be a two-part presentation. Virginia Veteran and Family Support will begin by providing network users with insight into military culture, what it is like to serve in the military, and the nuances of transitioning back into civilian life. The second part of the training will be a presentation by the Center for Deployment Psychology and will feature an extensive understanding of moral injury in veterans.

This workshop is FREE of charge to you and your staff within your organization.

This will be a completely virtual training and we encourage you to join us in part or for the entire workshop, helping to strengthen your ability to support the military and veterans in your community.

More information and to register, visit: