Operation Tohidu Fall 2020 Schedule

Operation Tohidu is excited to announce its Fall 2020 schedule. The Melwood Veterans Services team has reviewed their program and instituted changes as required by common sense and the state of Maryland regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. Besides cleaning equipment frequently and implementing social distancing, they will have all attendees drive to the retreat location.  This in effect, is reducing the service area within a reasonable driving distance from their location near LaPlata, MD.  Applications from outside of this region will be deferred to Spring 2021 or possibly beyond.  Below you’ll find the schedule for Fall 2020. They thank you for your continued support. 

Operation Tohidu® is a free, 5-day retreat program provided by Melwood Veterans Services for veterans or service members that have been diagnosed with or are self-identifying post-traumatic stress, mild traumatic brain injury, anxiety, depression, moral injury or military sexual trauma.  This program is open to veterans of all eras and most discharge statuses. For an overview of their program, please see this video from the YouTube channel.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQgL4VZwuJY&t=1s.

“Tohidu” is a Cherokee word meaning peace of mind, body, and spirit and Operation Tohidu® retreats continue to promote “Peace with the past through power in the present” for hundreds of veterans each year.  For more information or to apply to attend please visit www.operationtohidu.org . They are also on Facebook: www.facebook.com/melwoodveterans


September 14 – 18, 2020

Women’s Session (MST Focused)

September 28 – October 2, 2020

Women’s Session

October 12 – 16, 2020

Women’s Session (MST Focused Retreat in partnership with The Veteran Leadership Project)

November 9 – 13, 2020

Men’s Session

November 30 – December 4, 2020

Couples Session

December 14 – 18, 2020