The Commonwealth of Virginia’s Patriot Day Ceremony

Event Details

  • Date:  – 
  • Venue: ONLINE ONLY

Virginia War Memorial Foundation hopes you will join them on Friday, September 11th for Virginia’s Annual Patriot Day Ceremony. Due to the ongoing public health concerns, this event will be livestreamed beginning at 7 p.m.

The ceremony will include remarks by War Memorial Director, Dr. Clay Mountcastle, and a moment of silence to remember and honor the people killed on September 11, 2001 in the attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and the airplane crash in Pennsylvania that combined, claimed more than 3,000 lives.

Join them  on Friday, September 11 at 7 p.m. for this online event,

Virginia War Memorial Foundation invites you to view their documentary film covering the events of September 11th, A New Century, A New War. This film presents Virginians sharing their memories and personal experiences from that fateful day almost 20 years ago.

It also addresses the questions:

What happened on 9/11? & Why were military service members sent to Afghanistan and Iraq in response?