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Serving Together in Affiliation with AmericaServes

DC Military-Veteran Advisory Council


The DC-MVAC is a quarterly virtual meeting open to local government, non-profit groups, and other veteran service organizations aimed at improving the lives of veterans and military families in Washington, DC. Prepare to bring your concerns, comments, questions, and ideas to strengthen the military/veteran community. Please write to register or for more information.

Central Maryland Veterans Collaborative

The Central Maryland Veterans Collaborative is a joint effort between ServingTogether, The Federal Executive Board of Baltimore and The […]

Montgomery County Veterans Collaborative

The Montgomery County Veterans Collaborative is a partnership between Serving Together and Montgomery County Department of Health […]

Women Warrior Network

American Red Cross 8550 Arlington Blvd, Fairfax, VA, United States

Are a Women Veteran or Transitioning Female Service Member seeking a place to connect with other women?
Let’s come together to connect and support each other in a setting that fosters safety, inclusivity, and empowerment. Women Warrior Network is a social setting with the opportunity to build your toolbox if needed.

Western Maryland Veterans Collaborative

Western Maryland Veterans Collaborative   Chair:  ServingTogether a program of EveryMind| Jason Marshall / CoChair: Office […]

LCCVEB: Loudoun County Community Veteran Engagement Board

Loudoun County Government Center 1 Harrison Street, S.E., Leesburg, VA, United States

Please join us for the LCCVEB meeting July 23, 2024, from 7:00pm-8:30pm. We meet in person at the Loudoun Government building. We also offer a virtual option as well.


Frederick County CVEB

The mission of the Frederick County CVEB is to address Veterans issues and improve coordination of services […]

DC Military-Veteran Advisory Council


The DC-MVAC is a quarterly virtual meeting open to local government, non-profit groups, and other veteran service organizations aimed at improving the lives of veterans and military families in Washington, DC. Prepare to bring your concerns, comments, questions, and ideas to strengthen the military/veteran community. Please write to register or for more information.

Central Maryland Veterans Collaborative 

The Central Maryland Veterans Collaborative is a joint effort between ServingTogether, The Federal Executive Board of Baltimore and The […]