Virtual Wills and Estates Clinic for Veterans
The Veterans Consortium’s legal clinic program is proud to announce their first virtual estate planning clinic for DC, MD, and VA veterans on Friday, April 16, 10-3 PM – by appointment only. To determine eligibility, you must contact TVC.
Upcoming MVFI Events
Join George Mason University's Military, Veteran & Families Initiative for two upcoming webinars!
Upcoming TAPS Institute Webinars for Hope and Healing
The TAPS Institute for Hope and Healing warmly invites you to participate in these upcoming programs. Each is designed to provide comforting insight and inspiration as you walk along your grief journey or help others on their path.
Veterans Only – Grab & Go Event
The Disabled Veterans National Foundation (DVNF) will be hosting a Grab and Go event on Thursday, April 29th, 2021 at the Knights of Columbus, Silver Spring MD. Veterans will receive free groceries, hygiene kits, face masks, gift cards, a hot meal and a Veteran’s Resource Directory.
Howard County Veterans Racial Equity Survey
Now thru April 30 – Howard County Veterans Racial Equity Survey The Howard County Commission for Veterans and Military Families has a keen interest in ensuring racial justice and equity for veterans, their families, and for all residents. Consistent with their stated mission, the Commission is committed to helping this country heal its wounds and work toward ensuring all Americans are treated justly.
Military Spouses – Authoring Your Story
The Workhouse Military in the Arts Initiative is proud to announce a new art psychotherapy group! Using the altered book creative process, this art therapy group will offer spouses a place to explore various universal themes (family, self, home, etc.), with the support of fellow group members, the art therapist, and art therapy intern. Open to All branches, veterans, active duty, reserves.
Salute to Service: Military Children
Join the Virginia War Memorial to celebrate the Month of the Military Child with a special edition of Salute to Service. This program will explore and celebrate the experiences of dependent children of military families. This livestream event will feature Martha Martin and Brandy Disbennett-Albrecht about their childhoods, growing up in Navy and Coast Guard families, and all of the sacrifices military children make for the community.
FREE Military Family Shopping Day
Military Appreciation Day is an opportunity that allows active and inactive service members to shop for free women's and children's clothing, shoes and accessories at Women Giving Back in Sterling, VA. No referrals are needed. Just show military ID at the door.
Military Family Lifestyle Survey Results
Blue Star Families’ annual Military Family Lifestyle Survey (aMFLS) has been providing a comprehensive understanding of the experiences and challenges encountered by military families since 2009. It offers crucial insight and data to help inform national leaders, local communities, and philanthropic actors—functions that are even more important as decision makers assess how to support military and veteran families while the nation recovers from a global pandemic.
Effective Communication in the Job Search
Join Easterseals Veteran Staffing Network for a Tuesday Talks Virtual Employment Workshop! The purpose of the workshop is to ensure that the job seeker is viewed as a business professional who can join the team with ease!